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  1. Dear Patrice, as you noticed i published at May 2012 the following prediction about Greece.

    Greece agains Europe

    Even if written in certain form of irony, its prediction are until now quite correct. The Greek GDP fall since then by more than 20%, my prediction as a joke was 50%. Then the outcome of the elections 2.5 years ago created a stand by situation. Now in repeated election the predicted right-left government was established. But Greece’s capacity to destroy Euro-zone was reduced significantly. The banksters and their advisers”, viz;

    4 billion US$!!! for Rating Agencies

    who happily borrowed to Greece before 2010, now made a reverse policy, under the slogan, “Let’s starve, these arrogant people, who cheated us”.

    It sounds crazy to hear the banksters to moralize after they almost destroyed the world economy. And no-one can tel me, they did not know what they are doing. If they would just stick to what they had learned in one of the economic courses they absorbed, they wouldn’t come out with all these urban legends about “New Economy”, etc.

    I am sorry for the Greek people. They danced themselves into a new Greek tragedy called Syriza.


  2. Hi Eugen! Did you write this? It says “reblogged”!
    We are all in the case of Greece, please read my “Hope From Greece”.


    • I wrote this 2.5 years ago. So now just rebloged. Until now everything fits. Including the left-right guvernment. We are known for our capacity for prophecy. 😢


  3. Reblogged this on EugenR Lowy עוגן רודן and commented:

    The same idea just postponed 2.5 years


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